LemonheadsBrass Buttons

Brass Buttons is a Gram Parsons song covered by Evan on "Lovey"…
(by Devon Green)
chords are in form of noncapo chords. not actual chord.

intro:        Em             A                        D Dadd4     D

         Em                  Asus2                       D     Dadd4    D
brass buttons green silks and silver shoes
         Em                  Asus2                         D   Dadd4    D
warm evenings pale mornings bottled blues
and the tiny golden pins,
that she wore up in her hair
         Em                  Asus2                D    Dadd4      D
brass buttons green silks and silver shoes........

repeat for 2nd and 3rd verses using the same chords

hint: that Dadd4  - is just D  with the opened 4th string

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