NOFXKill All The White Man

"The Longest Line"
Kill All The White Man

I know you have several versions, but I think is more accurate…

intro and first part
(all chords are syncopated)
F  (1133211)
Gm  (355333)
Am  (577555)
The white man call himself civilized
Cause he know how to take over
The white man come to pillage my village
Now he tell me I have to bend over
No I do not like: the white man offend me
He rape all my people as he rape my country
Everything I love and cherish he try to take away
We will be rid of him, soon come the day
second part (with distortion)
C5  (X355XX)
G5  (X355XX)
D5  (X577XX)
F1  (133XXX)
F2  (X81010XX)
C G D F1
C G D F1
Kill All The White Man
C G D F2
(repeat, record to fade, live album to end)

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