LemonheadsDown about it

Down about it

Intro:        D   | E(high)  | B   | A   | G   | F#  | E   | A

Verse:        D   | E(high)  | B   | A   | G   | F#  | E   | E
D   | E(high)  | B   | A   | G   | F#  | E   | A

Refrain:    G  | A  (a couple of times)

In the last refrain there is a bridge which goes E  | A  | E  | A 

A :00220x  C :00553x  D :00775x  E :000220  F# :000442  G :000553
A :000775  B :00442x  E(high) :00997x  G(high) :0 0 12 12 10

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