

Song progression:
(1)  (A1)+(A2) } X 4
(2)  (A1) } X 4
(3)  (B) } X 2
(4)  (A1) } X 2
(5)  (C1) } X 4 (bend up last note last repetition)
(6)  (A1)+(A2) } X 2
(7)  (A1) } X 4
(8)  (B)+(A1) } X 1
(9)  (A1) } X 2
(10) (A1)+(A2) } X 2
(11) (A1) } X 4
(12) (B) } X 2
(13) (A1) } X 3
(14) (A1)+(A2) } X 5

(A1)        |---------------|---------------|

(A2)        |---------------|---------------|

(A3)        |---------------|---------------|

(B)        |---------------------|---------------------|

(C1)        |---------------------|---------------------|

(C2)        |---------------------|---------------------|

Song Notes:
(1) All these triplets have the fingers touching the tab for the first two
(in a down/up double strum) postures.
(2) The third one is when the fingers press the tab into the fretboard.
Those notes are generally hammered out.

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