Dance Hall CrashersEnough


Chord Definitions:
D -X A -X C -X G -X B -X
  X   X   X   X   X
  7   X   5   X   4
  7   7   5   5   4
  5   7   3   5   2
  X   5   X   3   X

Intro & Chorus: D -A -C -G  B -C  Then a build up on  A 

D         A        C                       G
Enough is Enough, I know I was to blame I just wanted to be the same
B        C                    A
Just Shutup and make it Right

Verse: Play all chords in the verse barred and ska style
(mute on the down stroke, play on the upstroke)

D -C -G -A 

Bridge1: D -G A -C 

Bridge2 (The "I don`t really care" one) -??????

End song after the last chorus on D 

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