
TAB 1 (Repeat about 6 times)
          e e     q   q   q       e e   q   q     q
+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+  -------+
|------|----------7---5---4----|---------5--4----------|          |
|------|--3H5------------------|--5H3-------------3----|     Listen to the
+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+     recording to
                                                             get the exact
                                                             number of times
                                                             these two lines
   e e   q   q   q         e e   q   q   q                   are played.
+----------------------+---6/7---5---4---5-----+-------+          |
|--------7---5---4-----|-----------------------|-*--*--|          |
|--3H5-----------------|-----------------------|-*--*--|          |
+----------------------+-----------------------+-------+   ------+

TAB 2 (Repeat about four times)
  e e  e e  e e  e e   e e  e e  e e  e e

TAB 3 (Repeat twice and go back to TAB 1)
  q   q   e e q       q  q    q    q
|------------------|----------7----5---|--*--*--|   = BEND
  \______/      H = HAMMER ON   \  = SLIDE TO FRET     R = Rest
                P = PULL OFF    \X = SLIDE TO NOWHERE  ~ = Trill

Ещё песни с аккордами исполнителя/группы «Green Day»