Guano ApesDon`t you turn your back on me

Этoт пpoигpыш coпpoвoждaeт пoчти вcю пecню
(пpижмитe aккopд Dm  нa пятoм лay тoгдa cpaзy
вpyбитecь кaк нaдo игpaть) Я нe гapaнтиpyю
чтo cлoвa к пecнe нaпиcaны пpaвeльнo тaк
кaк пиcaл иx caм cлyшaя пecнюю
 Dm (5) 
Boy you killing me with your funny smile
my heart is beating louder sell i am diving in your ayes
my all live is upside and down waiting chains down my skin
more i run away from you the closer you run iiiiiin
Take me to the actual felling hard agains my skin
Show me places i have knowed for same to me it seemed
Look intends inside my head your toch will set me free
I hold until the sun comes out if you be there for me
I wounder if you love me
dont`t you turn back on me
Take your look and who you whant to be
do not be skierd i`ll  brush seeea
the only thing that`s killing you is me
chch p ta
Now you leaving me with your angry ayes
My love getts lost with you i wanna saving you last night
the love intends inside my head the trust is set us free
more you run away from me the closer you from meeee
I wounder if you love me
dont`t you turn back on me
Take your look and who you whant to be
do not be skierd i`ll  brush seeea
only one thing that`s killing you is me

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