Janis JoplinPiece Of My Heart

Piece Of My Heart

E : 022100
A : 007655
B : 009877
C : X35555
B2 :X24444
D : X57777
lower case letters are used to denote single notes.
It was difficult for me to accurately correspond the chords and the words,
so here's the shortcut I'm using:
VERSE: E , A , B ,  A ,  E , repeat throughout verse.
BRIDGE: C , B2 ,  D ,  B2   Hold on to B2  "… I want you to come on, come on, come on,
come on and TAKE IT! Take another little piece of my heart…"
CHORUS: From "TAKE IT!" E ,  A ,  B ,  Thoughout Chorus.
                                       c         b    a     E
"You know you got it, if it makes you feel good…"
This transcription could be miles off or totally on the money, but this is
how I figured it out, and this is how I play it.

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