KornDead Bodies Everywhere

Intro (play 6x)


Then the heavy part which is also the chorus

Verse (Play 2x)

        vib.__________________ vib.______________


Verse (Play 2x)

        vib.__________________ vib.______________


Intro again (play 3x)


Break (this is the part before Jonathon yells. Play this 8x)

   vib.             vib.      vib.             vib.
              ^   ^                      ^   ^
^ = play these notes shorter than the others

Chorus 2 (This is where Jonathon is singing "You want me to be…")

Guitar 1

Guitar 2

These two guitar parts are repeated until Jonathon sings
"Dead bodies everywhere, dead bodies everywhere, dead bodies…"

Last Chorus (This is when Jon is repeating "Dead bodies everywhere")


This riff is reapeated until Jonathan has had enough of yelling
"dead bodies everywhere". Listen to the song to get this
rhythm down. It's a a tad tricky.

Intro for the last time


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