Led ZeppelinGallows Pole

Off Led Zeppelin III
Gallows Pole


Well folks as far as I can tell,
there are only 4 parts to this song:
  S  S  S  S S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
 S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
This repeats a few times with an
occasional G-D or C-D transition
Then when the "Hangman" chorus
comes in:
 Q  E  S  S  E  S  S  Q   Q  E  S
  S  Q+  S  S   S  Q    E  S  S
 E  S  S  Q  E   S  S   E   S  S
Then back to the G-A-G-A-G-G-G-G
stuff again
The final part is thrown in at
various parts in the song, and
pretty much dominates the ending:
   E  S  S   S  S  S   S  S  S  S
I hope this helps. It may not be
right, but I think its close to
the actual thing.

S= Sixteenth Note
E = Eighth Note
Q = Quarter Note
Q+ = Extended Quarter Note

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