LemonheadsMrs Robinson

We'E d like to know a little bit about you for our files
We'A d like to help you learn to help yourselves
D Look around you G all you see are C sympaG/B thetic eAm yes
StE roll around the grounds untD7 il you feel at home
And here's to yG ou Mrs REm obinson
JeG sus loves you mEm ore than you will
C know, wo-wo-wD o
God bless you plG ease Mrs REm obinson
HG eaven holds a pEm lace for those who prC ay
hey-hey-Am hey  hey-heyE -hey

As a general rule for the others try bar chords with no 3rds
to give it a heavier edge.

Ещё песни с аккордами исполнителя/группы «Lemonheads»