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"Blackout" Arizona I am going to try and add as much Scorpions songs as I can, because the best sounding band should have dedicated fans like me! Just the basics are availbale for now, Very easy stuff! E------------------------------------------------------------- B------------------------------------------------------------- G-------9-9---9-9---6-6-------------9-9-9--9-9---6-6---------- D-------9-9---9-9---6-6--7--9-9-----9-9-9--9-9---6-6---7--9-9- A-------7-7---7-7---4-4--7--9-9-----7-7-7--7-7---4-4---7--9-9- E------------------------5--7-7------------------------5--7-7- Arizona really was a blast, I was screwed up in a total mess, mind blowin all the way you know just out a sight!